Comment by hugograffiti

Comment by hugograffiti 5 days ago

1 reply

I agree and have found using a time travel debugger very useful because you can go backwards and forwards to figure out exactly what the code is doing. I made a video of me using our debugger to compare two recordings - one where the program worked and one where a very intermittent bug occurred. This was in code I was completely unfamiliar with so would have been hard for me to figure out without this. The video is pretty rubbish to be honest - I could never work in sales - but if you skip the first few minutes it might give you a flavour of what you can do. (I basically started at the end - where it failed - and worked backwards comparing the good and bad recordings)

waynecochran 4 days ago

To go backwards, don't you have to save the previous states of the machine. This always seemed long a strong limitation.