Comment by ljlolel
“Nonsense . We have a pond barrell with pond plants in and occasional fountain and we have attacted the dragonflies the size of your hand. Dragonflies love pomd plants becsuse it's where they lay their eggs. Line an old whiskey barrell, fill I'm holes with filler, add rocks, plants and water and they will find it ”
“I have lady palms and there are tons of dragonflies that live in them. When I walk by I have 10-15 fly out at any time, babies and adults. I don’t have a water feature but live in Florida where it’s always pretty humid this time of year.”
“ I'm in the Austin area, and have had great success with a very small water feature made from a 90 quart (about 18 gallons) Sterlite storage bin. I dug a hole deep enough to bury it flush to the ground, filled it with large rocks and water. I bought a plant with a tall stalk. Within 2 weeks a great big red dragonfly had claimed the spot as his. I've have them back every year since. Posted a pic DIY back yard dragonfly pool”
We had a small garden pool at the summer cottage, emptied every winter. Pretty soon after filling it was full of mosquito larvae. Didn't see any dragonfly larvae, I assume the eggs only hatch in the spring so the emptying makes it impossible for their life cycle.
We caught some fish and put them in there. They quickly ate the mosquito larvae. In the fall the pool was emptied and the fish released back to the lake.