Comment by sarchertech

Comment by sarchertech 2 months ago

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I never said I won't go back and change a single function. And I never said I wouldn't change things larger than that if asked. I would lump small requests like that in with category 1 (of which a syntax change wasn't meant to an exhaustive example).

What I said was those kind of requests usually aren't meaningful or impactful long term. They very very rarely make or save anyone a single dollar. Let alone enough money to justify the time spent on the review process.

If you've already spent the time to suggest the change, if it's slightly better, sure I'll make it. Even if it's not any better, as long as it's not worse, if you feel strongly about it, there's a good chance I'll go along. I just don't think the process has a positive ROI, and I've yet to see any data to convince me otherwise.