Comment by m3047

Comment by m3047 2 months ago

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For whatever it's worth I live in South Tacoma, Pierce, WA, USA. You're not going to find a working, greasy auto club at the flagship Lemay Museum (although it's worth a visit, as is Blackhawk in CA). However, the Lemay family is a local fixture / institution.

I drive by the family compound in Parkland maybe once a month. They own / owned Marymount, the former military boarding school; for lack of a better characterization they use it as a garage. There are auto and motorcycle shows there annually (and also gun shows). Walking one of those shows and talking to people is certainly on the table, but it's not a "need to do something now" option.

Meanwhile, talking to people (Burns Towing, the good people, as opposed to the sh*tshow on Hilltop which the City contracts for impounds) and making phone calls has generated some promising leads on the mechanic front anyway. I went and visited a guy a week ago who has a lift (and his old race car) in his garage and wrenches older US metal as a semi-retired pastime. He might find time to help me out if along with paying him decently I provide him with some home brewed beer.

We talk about "free beer", but in fact beer is not fungible on the internet.