Comment by mettamage
I think I explained myself poorly.
> At a large-scale organization, as an SWE, I did far more programming work than I ever did as a DA.
Yea, this is what I meant. The amount of programming I do now as a DA feels low (since I'm a software engineer historically, that's what I meant with "but for a software engineer" - a bit of a confusing sentence). Well specifically, the amount of engineering feels low.
> That said, there are different ways to cope and build skills—it takes time. I do side projects and, more importantly, write about them regularly [1].
Good point, to what extent do employers see this as experience though? It's my experience they don't care at all. Maybe I'm looking at this wrong. The reason I'd do it is (1) I want to keep on building and (2) I want to keep on building experience as a SWE that employers will be impressed by. I'm not sure if I want to switch back, but for now I want to keep that option open.
> More than once, people have reached out with job offers just because they stumbled across my writing on Hacker News or other social media platforms.
I guess you answered your question here. I think it's good enough to test it out :)
> As a DA, I mostly wrote aggregation queries, built dashboards, and did some Python, Pandas, and Notebook munging.
Yea, I see a lot of SQL queries here, notebook stuff (so also Python/Pandas) and dashboarding. It's probably a 50/50 split. I have a suspicion that my manager wants me more on the programming side of things though. So far me as well. I'm allowed to pick any tool I find right for the job. I already wrote a bash script today.
> Good point, to what extent do employers see this as experience though?
They don’t see it as experience.
> I'm not sure if I want to switch back, but for now I want to keep that option open.
For the most part once you start going deep down one rabbit hole, it’s almost impossible to change jobs and go back to software development. I see it happen all of the time with people who leave software development and go into “DevOps” [sic].
Companies aren’t going to take your side projects seriously. With the current job market, why wouldn’t they hire someone with recent relevant experience? If you can get an interview with a company that relies heavily on coding tests you might stand a chance.
The best way to pivot back is to get a job where you do have recent experience - in your case data - and then after awhile do a formal or informal transfer to more of a software engineering focus