Comment by hakunin
I completely disagree. By writing the code, the author gains understanding of the hidden details of the problem. The reviewer gets to explore a full solution that accounts for those details, and provides tests. With the context still fresh, it's a great time for a new pair of eyes to explore, ask questions (which should lead to clarifications in the code), and think of ways to simplify and untangle the solution further while keeping the tests passing. In fact, it can take more time to keep assuming and discussing what the solution might be than to write the code and iterate on it. In an asynchronous/remote work environment, iterating on PRs is not only okay, but probably the most effective way to collaborate.
I'm not saying I never fire up a draft PR so that I can nail some things down and get comments on it.
But at the same time not everything needs to be asynchronous and if you try to make everything asynchronous, such that you never have ad hoc meetings or synchronous conversations, you're going to move much slower than is necessary. I've been exclusively remote for 10 years now, so I love doing thing async when I can, but I recognize the limits.
By the time my PR is ready to merge the assumption should be that it's ready to merge, unless you see something actually wrong. Not just hey this could be a little easier to reason about if you completely redesigned your solution.
9/10 when people do make those kinds of suggestions it's not objectively better, and 9/10 changing it won't move the needle with respect to maintainability or meaningful performance.
So given that we have a funnel of reviewers where most people are only going to do surface level reviews, of those that do deep dives most of them aren't going to find any problems, of those that do most of the solutions aren't going to make any kind of significant impact. Is it worth going through this whole process? My conclusion is that no it is not.
Comparing the software we produced before the whole PR review for every merge request thing became common, and the software we produce now, I don't think software quality has improved at all. So for me to change my mind, I'm going to need to see hard data that says the opposite.