Comment by quotemstr
Comment by quotemstr 2 months ago
:-) I'll never quite appreciate why people say things like this. Having some kind of embedded scripting is useful for all sorts of things, often form validation. A sufficiently complex validation system becomes Turing complete, so you might as well skip the hassle of a custom language and go right to JavaScript. Once you have JavaScript, input, and some way of updating a graphical pixel grid, you're at Doom-completeness. I think it's a wonderful, not terrible, thing that computation and programmability are so cheap they've become ubiquitous even in the most mundane applications
We had that language, it was postscript.
Then pdf came along and said: no this is too dangerous the only thing in a document should be layout information not arbitrary code.
And here we are two decades later.
My hatred of pdf has no end. It killed postscript for dynamic pages and djvu for static pages.