Comment by 000ooo000

Comment by 000ooo000 5 days ago

2 replies

If your PR isn't blocking someone nontechnical then I expect you to use developer tooling (i.e. VCS) to continue working without requiring that your PR be merged immediately, and I'll review the PR the next time I come to a natural break in my work. If it is blocking someone, then I'll review ASAP with consideration to the priority of whatever I'm working on.

I work with a guy who, until I said "calm down", would share his PR links in the team chat several times a day. He refused to learn rebase, or seemingly anything other than a standard Git workflow of checkout, commit, push, merge, repeat. He has since improved on both fronts.

yichi 5 days ago

Linus torvalds famously said you shouldn't rebase for shared work, it's not a clear cut thing that not knowing how to rebase is bad per se since you shouldn't be using it a lot in the first place in his philosophy, refusing to learn is a different story however.

  • Tade0 5 days ago

    Specifically he said that changing shared history is bad - that would be the master/main branch or release branches, not e.g. your branch.

    Not knowing how to rebase means that in order to stay up-to-date with a shared branch you would have to merge it each time and thus produce something akin to a spruce tree in your commit history.