Comment by that_guy_iain

Comment by that_guy_iain 2 months ago

1 reply

> Nobody is suggesting PHP beats compiled.

Actually, there seems to be people arguing that.

> We’re arguing with you about your utter lack of expertise in the language, knowledge of the ecosystem and “production-ready” status of the many options, and your overall coding ability when it comes to PHP.

If you're doing that with benchmarks you're doing a shitty job. My numbers came from experience in production environments with production workloads.

Not to mention that you're talking experimental tooling as examples. I've literally seen multiple companies try to use FrankenPHP. Not one even made it to QA aka it broke because during the dev testing.

hipadev23 2 months ago

Again, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. There are numerous production-ready choices that myself and others have mentioned.