Comment by kerkeslager
Comment by kerkeslager 2 months ago
> And your contribution is to stop people from helping them
No. In the vast majority of cases, answering this question as intended isn't helping them, it's actively harming them.
> because of something about what now
You're responding to a post which explains this. If you understood the post, faking confusion is dishonest. If you didn't understand the post, you weren't qualified to disagree with it.
This removes so much agency from the people involved. If I were dying of cancer and asked for "out there" solutions, I wouldn't want people hand-wringing about whether it's morally ok to share unconfirmed theories.
Gimme everything you got at all levels of certainty, and let me decide what I want to try and not try. If I decide I don't want to try anything, or none of the suggestions have enough evidence to be worth trying and I'd rather travel around the world and skydive with my wife the last few months, that's ok too!
But none of us can pretend to know what they're actually going through, we can only offer what it asked and let them decide.