Comment by mdaniel
What in the world does this mean? That's made twice as bad by the "we throw away Z because you were just kidding by including it". That leads me to believe that any RFC 3339 that isn't automatically Z (e.g. 1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00 <>) is ... well, I don't know what it's going to do but it likely won't be good
It also appears that your documentation is currently a very verbose version of an OpenAPI spec, so you may save your readers some trouble by actually publishing one, with the added advantage that they come with a "Try it" button in the OpenAPI renders
That would allow you to save the natural language parts for describing things that are not API-centric (such as the "but WWWWHHHHYYY mysql AND clickhouse" that you alluded to elsewhere but wasn't mentioned at all in /doc nor /selfhost)
The date treatment isn't great, but the repo seems to indicate it's existed as a public thing for 22 days. So perhaps just an early compromise to get it working.