Comment by bdcravens

Comment by bdcravens 2 months ago

4 replies

Very nice. A lot of the complexity you described is why I've settled on using CloudWatch logs for anything I have on AWS. I don't need a fancy UI, just a powerful querying language for investigation and debugging. With that said, it would be nice to see at least some mechanism for building aggregates queries (for example, 4* results in the last 24 hours by user) but if it's ClickHouse underneath, I assume that's easy using standard ClickHouse tools.

stingraycharles 2 months ago

I hate how Cloudwatch itself is so fragmented, and they have three different query languages for logs.

It’s all cognitive overhead I don’t want to learn.

  • bdcravens 2 months ago

    I will say that the language isn't the most intuitive, and a project like this one with some simply querying with the (presumed) ability to drop down to SQL for power use is probably the ideal solution. (Doable with CloudWatch logs and Athena, but that's another can of complex worms)

  • infecto 2 months ago

    I would be happy to pay a premium for a better cloudwatch. For me it is always not intuitive which I am sure is driven by limited use.

[removed] 2 months ago