Comment by m463

Comment by m463 2 months ago

2 replies

reminds me of when I used a film camera. Looking back a the shots I took... I would just take ONE photo. Group photo with 30 people? One picture.

Nowadays I take a ton and pick the best, because they are "free", but suspect I might think less about composing.

I think there is something to be said for the need to get it right. Maybe it makes you more mindful.

racktash 2 months ago

In June I "accidentally" (I certainly never saw it coming...) got back into film photography. I bought a Lomography Konstruktor for fun and ended up having way more fun taking photos with it than I thought I would.

It's going to be a personal, subjective thing, but not having the option to take unlimited photos, as I tend to do with my phone when on holiday, say, but having to try to at least give each exposure a chance of being worth the expensive cost of film, made me rediscover the fun of photography.

randerson 2 months ago

I recently bought a cheap used Canon 35mm film camera which fits the same EF lenses I already had for my digital SLR. It has proved to be the far more fun camera to take on a photo walk. Not just because I have to think about each shot, but for the delayed gratification of having to wait days/weeks before seeing that it came out as planned.