Comment by d--b

Comment by d--b 2 months ago

3 replies

Errr. So your point is I should be reassuring my friend, by telling him he’s getting fantastic healthcare.

I don’t get it. My friend doesn’t need reassurance. He doesn’t need to take comfort in the fact that France has good healthcare. He’s going to die and he knows it.

I am here just because I want to tell him: if you want to try something crazy, and it may not work at all, there’s this. If you prefer not to, that’s fine too.

_DeadFred_ 2 months ago

Yes, my point is you should be putting your friend with a terminal condition at ease so that they can skip wasting any energy on regretting their healthcare situation thinking they would have lived 'if only...', and you should help them enjoy/process/maximize their remaining time.

I get what you want and why you are here, I do. Been there done that for friends and family. I lost my mom, don't think I didn't try to find every treatment, and for me she did them all no matter the pain/loss in quality of life it inflicted on her. In the end watching Joel Olsteen gave my hippie/anti christian progressive mom comfort so guess what, anti-organized religion me sat and watched Joel friggen Olsteen with her as she accepted and processed her situation, while inside I screamed 'noooooooo, we can't accept this! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Mom no, I can't lose you, and our final time can't be spent watching Joel friggen Olsteen!'. And on that final day, when she was suffering in worse pain than I can Imagine, I put on a brave face and told here it was OK mom, she can go now, she can have peace now, while inside I screamed 'you can not goooo! The world will end if you go!!!! You can't leave me, ever'.

Do you really think anyone is saying 'you can go now' inside when they tell someone it's OK to go? Do you really think everyone thinks their local medical care is the absolutely best in the world when they say 'man, good thing you got Doctor X, good thing we have this facility'?

  • d--b 2 months ago

    I get what you’re saying, but I think there is too big a cultural difference for your advice to make sense for us.

    Sorry for what you went through though, sounds like it was really painful.