Comment by bigstrat2003

Comment by bigstrat2003 9 days ago

2 replies

I can imagine that getting different power would help. My biggest problem with Fulgora is that even on the largest islands, it's so cramped because you have to have huge amounts of accumulators to keep things up through the pauses between storms. The island where I built my Fulgora factory (not including scrap processing) is 50% filled with accumulators, and even then I still will lose power sometimes.

temp0826 9 days ago

There's a few alternative ways to go about it. If you have heating towers from gleba, you can burn some excess solid fuel (and melted ice) from scrap to make steam. Might be short on ice but could drop some from orbit (if your asteroid processing tech is good enough?). Or cart in nuclear stuff from nauvis. If you've started on higher quality stuff you could probably recycle extra batteries and make higher quality accumulators (a little more space efficient...but if you're still power constrained you probably wouldn't be removing the old low quality ones...).

db48x 9 days ago

Did you forget that you also have steam power? It is much more energy dense than accumulators, and there is plenty of fuel around.