Comment by jokoon

Comment by jokoon 2 months ago

9 replies

I am a bit sad I finished factorio space age, it was such an amazing game, I wish I could have spent more time on it.

All good things have an end.

I really hope Wube could make it more interesting to play in multiplayer, in games of 50 or 100 players, unfortunately there are no incentives for it.

I suggested to add some resources trading and currency, coupled with a land ownership system, to prevent trolls and scale the game so that any player can join, but it would probably require some balancing.

This game is already 10 years old and still going strong.

Unfortunately mods are not very good quality, or too difficult to enjoy.

Space age is interesting because new planets are being added by fans, but I don't think they're going to be as well designed and really bring anything interesting.

kryptn 2 months ago

> Unfortunately mods are not very good quality, or too difficult to enjoy.

Most of my playtime in Factorio is with overhaul mods, there's a lot of quality content there. I'm not sure how many of them have been brought to 2.0 or even will be. I'm curious where you think quality lacks.

Space Exploration has been my favorite, but Ultracube, Krastorio2, and Nullius were all quite fun. I'll admit I haven't finished Ultracube and Nullius, but I have restarted my Ultracube run in 2.0.

> Space age is interesting because new planets are being added by fans, but I don't think they're going to be as well designed and really bring anything interesting.

Check out Maraxsis and/or Cerys, these were the kinds of planet mods I was hoping for in Space Age. Maraxsis is an ocean planet and you build underwater and in deep trenches, and the planet's building has a base 50% quality. Cerys is a moon of Fulgora that's really quite small and it's more of a puzzle than anything.

  • jokoon 2 months ago

    What I mean is that the game design is poorly made, unbalanced. Only vanilla and space age seems like they're accessible games.

    Generally game design revolves the concept of a effort-reward loop: the player must feel he is regularly advancing in the game, at a steady pace, with a difficulty that slowly increases.

    Mods are often badly designed because they are made by hardcore factorio fans who don't understand this or follow this golden rule.

    There was a FFF who talked about a game designer they hired, and wube constantly had to make his designs simpler so the game can be a success. It requires a lot of work.

    Making a great game is about "easy to learn, hard to master". A lot of people don't understand it, but a game must be attractive enough for casual to medium players, or it just will not sell.

    The magic of factorio vanilla and space age is that the difficulty is well designed. Mods often just don't follow that rule, or have a lower quality.

    There is more psychology behind game design that we want to admit.

jprete 2 months ago

I love Factorio, although I haven't gone far in the expansion. I don't expect any more from them. They've done a lot for this game and they've done it for a very long time. I assume they're now interested in doing something new and I hope they find success at that.

EraYaN 2 months ago

For multiplayer it's really about the people you play with, with is the incentive. Basically doing that stuff with friends is a ton of fun. And you can also include some people new to the game which multiplayer makes much easier for them.

xeornet 2 months ago

How many hours did it take you to finish space age?

  • lucb1e 2 months ago

    I'm also surprised they already finished it. Without rushing, we're playing for many weeks now, not every evening but then during christmas holidays a lot so maybe that evens out, and are about to go to Aquilo (4th planet, or place to visit idk, out of the 6 new ones)

  • brianwawok 2 months ago

    Uhh roughly 100 hours of play got from nothing to you win screen. Could be rushed, or you could slow down and and get all legendary and spend 500 hours.