Comment by 999900000999
Comment by 999900000999 2 months ago
>Unity and Unreal are top-tier garbage that don't deserve our money and time. The bigger practical reason to use them is that people have experience and the plugin and extension ecosystems are rich and filled with battle tested and useful stuff.
Both are effectively magical sandboxes where platform support is someone else's problem.
Unity is still pretty great, but it's chained to a company that has no real business plan to sustainability.
Unreal is okay, but developers aren't using it right. For any bigger project you should customized the engine for your needs. Or at the very least spend some time to optimize.
But we need to ship and we need to ship now.
Blame the developers not the tools.
i've been doing this for decades and my bedroom work had never done anything but put unreal and unity to shame. from top to bottom i can not understand the ignorance of their design from a simple "a programmer is making this" standpoint, it comes from a legacy of "a rookie wannabe with too much money had a good shot and too much promotion"
unreal is fucking awful, its a masterclass in how to not make:
* components
* hierarchies
* visual scripting
* networking
* editors
* geometry
* rendering
* culling
* in-game ui
* editor ui
* copy-paste
* kinematics
* physics integration
* plugin support
* build system
its just a tower of mistakes i learned not make before i dared to even enter the industry
it is fantastically and incredibly bad.
unity is a bit similar but they add c# complexity to the mix and in the beginning that was a much bigger disaster, especially going with mono. .NET was an enormous misstep by microsoft and remains so, although it improves over time they could have just not gotten it so incredibly wrong to start with.
i could go on.
i definitely blame the developers. of the terrible tools, i couldn't make that badly at most points in my career including the super early days in some cases.
they are also hard to fix because of the staggering depth of the badness.
if you would like more specifics feel free to poke, its more about not typing a wall of text than the cognitive load of knowing better, which is around zero.
oh... and the garbage collection is garbage that enables incompetents to make more garbage. never needed or wanted it. i had one hard memory leak to deal with in my life in native code. and a fucking zillion in their shit fest.
EDIT: i shit you not, it has not learned my first lessons from being an 8 year old trying to draw mandelbrot sets in qbasic.