Comment by hedora

Comment by hedora 8 days ago

2 replies

I’m not saying there is evidence that it has the same root cause, or even that there are more trans people now than before (I haven’t seen the numbers), but kids are hitting puberty 2+ years earlier now, probably because of endocrine disruptors.

As a thought experiment, it seems hard to intentionally design a drug that changes what year puberty onset starts at without having some impact on LGBTQ+ prevalence.

azinman2 7 days ago

How would early puberty affect who you’re attracted to, or what you see your gender as?

I can tell you my attraction has been consistent before and after puberty. And trans friends speak of having gender dystopia at a very young age.

esperent 7 days ago

> or even that there are more trans people now than before

More openly trans people for sure. But who knows how many kept it bottled up and hidden, perhaps even from themselves, throughout history?