Comment by its_down_again

Comment by its_down_again 7 days ago

1 reply

I’m not sure what’s behind this, could be endorphins, adrenaline, or something else entirely-- but I wonder if it’s related to that “runner’s high”. The first time I ran a 20-miler on a Sunday, about 3 hours of steady, low-key cardio, I went through an entire box of pasta afterwards and still felt like I needed more food right after. Now, after doing it 20+ times, I don’t even feel extra hunger kick in after the workout.

On days when I wake up and do something intense, like 4x1K repeats or 2x2-mile threshold sets, I feel electric afterwards, but at at the same time thinking about food makes me slightly nauseous. I’m not even close to hungry for hours, which throws off my eating for the rest of the day.

But then there’s carryover calorie deficit. Let's say the next day I wake up for an easy day with a 5-8 miler, I’m sold on breakfast right afterwards, and I can usually eat any amount that's in front of me.