Comment by neonsunset

Comment by neonsunset 8 days ago

4 replies

No, it doesn’t. There are better ways to abstract away RAII, and it is a strictly bad pattern in Rust to not rely on Drop. The author needs to stop writing C and Go, both being arguably bad languages.

nineteen999 6 days ago

Rust weirdos need to stop telling other programmers what languages to write and not write software in.

Too many words wasted online on this, instead of working on an equivalent ecosystem to replace UNIX/C which currently runs the world, and will continue do to so until the Rust community (or another community which is more organised and less populated by drama queens) gets their shit together.

  • neonsunset 6 days ago

    > Rust weirdos

    Rust is not even my primary or secondary language. Instead of knee-jerk reaction, maybe consider that I'm just advocating for 1. using languages correctly (asking for defer is a clear indication of the opposite) and 2. using modern and expressive languages that solve entire classes of problems for good instead of struggling with cognitive complexity of doing everything by hand (which is what C and Go are about).

  • seanhunter 6 days ago

    As well as not telling each other what languages to write software in, people need to stop calling each other weirdos and drama queens etc.

    Every community of advocates has extremists in it. The idea that everyone who uses rust is a weirdo is itself pretty strange.

    Most people who use language x are like most people for all languages x which have reached any sort of critical mass.

    • nineteen999 2 days ago

      Yeah I worded that badly. It should have been "Rust weirdos who do this" rather than just, you know, your average Rust weir.. er, evangelist.