Comment by Havoc

Comment by Havoc 8 days ago

2 replies

I mean my expection with EA is basically 50/50 on whether I can actually get to render frame 1 of the in-game.

Played one of their high profile games daily for a while. It is literally a crap shoot day to day whether something works as in join a game.

Imagine the same on a big cloud. Oh sorry S3 storage...not happening today. We're just having an off day and decided we're not doing S3 today.

...that's how the gaming industry rolls. In infra world people would just laugh because it isn't a plausible scenario but in EA consumer world people call it Tuesday.

theWreckluse 8 days ago

What game did you play?

  • Havoc 8 days ago

    One of their premiere titles - battlefield.

    I assume they test in prod on their billion dollar title because it sure felt like a daily stream of nightly builds.

    Can't believe that circus has a market cap of 40bn. You kidding me? Their launcher barely does what it says on the tin reliably - launch things