Comment by jffhn

Comment by jffhn 9 days ago

2 replies

>each blog post helps me think more deeply

The most on point quote I know about this idea: "I don't write to say what I think, but to know what I think." (E. Berl)

Writing can help to become less confused, but being confused can incite to write a lot (J. Joubert: "The supremely false mind is the one that never senses when it goes astray.").

bryanrasmussen 9 days ago

Although this is related to technical writing it is also similar to one of the ideas in "A theory as to why Art is created"

>the creation exists afterwards, and is thus available as a form of mnemonic for the creator. They can revisit and re-experience that sensation of creation that would otherwise have been transitory.

Other parts suggest that the literary writer writes to sharpen and go deeper into the experience of thinking, to extend it.

The two ideas seem related.