Comment by jerf
Comment by jerf 9 days ago
Ironically, a flip side of the complaints about how Go lacks power is that a lot of the "standard" security vulnerabilities actually become harder to write. The most obvious one is lacking the "eval" that a dynamic language has; more subtle ones include things like, there is no way to take a string and look up a type or a method in the runtime, so things like the Ruby YAML vuln are not assisted by the language level. To write something like that into Go, you'd have to actually write it in. Though you can, if you try hard enoough.
But, as sibling comments point out, nothing stops you from writing an SQL injection. Command injections are inhibited by the command only taking the "array of strings" form of a command, with no "just pass me a string and we'll do shell things to it" provided by the language, but I've dispatched multiple questions about how to run commands correctly in Go by programmers who managed to find []string{"bash", "-c", "my command with user input from the web here"}, so the evidence suggests this is still plenty easy enough to write. Putting the wrong perms or no perms on your resources is as easy as anything else; no special support for internal security (compare with E lang and capabilities languages). And the file access is still based on file names rather than inodes, so file-based TOCTOUs are the default in Go (just like pretty much everywhere else) if you aren't careful. It comes with no special DOS protection or integrated WAF or anything else. You can still store passwords directly in databases, or as their MD5 sums. The default HTML templating system is fairly safe but you can still concatenate strings outside of the template system and ship them out over an HTTP connection in bad ways. Not every race condition is automatically a security vulnerability, but you can certainly write race conditions in Go that could be security vulnerabilities.
I'd say Go largely lacks the footguns some other languages have, but it still provides you plenty of knives you can stab yourself with and it won't stop you.
I've been running govulncheck against my repos for a while, and I have seen some real vulnerabilities go by that could have affected my code, but rather than "get arbitrary execution" they tend to be "didn't correctly escape output in some particular edge case", which in the right circumstances can still be serious, but is still at least less concerning than "gets arbitrary execution".
> I'd say Go largely lacks the footguns some other languages have
With the glaring exception of "I forgot to check the error code", which you need a linter (e.g. as provided by golangci-lint) for. It's critically important for security that you know whether the function you just called gave you a meaningful result! Most other languages either have sum types or exceptions.