Comment by yshui
Okay, I can't believe I am going to defend performance reviews (I hate them with passion), but I actually disagrees with the author's main point. Same accomplishments can be colored good or bad, but that in itself isn't wrong. You could've moved a mountain with a teaspoon, but that's pointless if you don't work for a mountain moving company. i.e. performance isn't just what you have done, but also whether that aligns with the goal of your employer.
(Of course there's the problem where the capitalistic system forces people to work and do things that aren't necessarily aligned with their personal goals and values, just to have a roof over their head and food on their table. But that's a whole different story.)
(And then there's also the problem where people will abuse the review system for their own benefits...)
You could work for a mountain moving company and your boss could still find issues with how the mountain you moved wasn’t the right height, or had rocks that didn’t quite match the destination.