Comment by beedeebeedee

Comment by beedeebeedee 3 hours ago

1 reply

> Not justifying or trying to reduce the evilness of the actions, but this is something very different from October 7th or any other pogrom.

Trying to treat the terrorist attack on Oct. 7 as unprecedented and unique is not only deeply ignorant but incredibly dangerous. It allows you to suspend all normal considerations of decency, which we have seen in the words of Israelis leaders (calling all Palestinians "human animals" and terrorists) and the actions of the IDF (war crimes, murdering civilians, throwing people off buildings, torturing, etc).

Please stop with your apologies for genocide and war crimes. Even Israeli scholars and Holocaust survivors recognize that what Israel is doing now is deeply wrong. Stop

ilbeeper an hour ago

I didn't call Palestinians "human animals".

I wish that October 7th was unprecedented. It is not the first pogrom Jews suffered. I'm not aware of a case in the history where Jews behaved like that. If it did occur,it is unexcusable, just like October 7th.

Let's put it in clear terms. I'm an Israeli, humanist and supports a two states solution. You, on the other side, are terror justifying and, I guess, antisemite.