Comment by SalmoShalazar
Comment by SalmoShalazar 2 months ago
This guy is literally advocating for Nazi eugenics. Is this the kind of content that’s OK on this website now?
Given the downvotes, guess there are plenty of people here that are pro-eugenics and support thinning the herd of “low IQ individuals” lest they reproduce.
They may be advocating for that, but I'm not against them doing so because it gives the rest of us the opportunity to present the arguments against it.
I take this view lately because I've noticed that younger generations are starting to take up ideas that my grandparents and parents were vehemently against, because they'd either experienced those things or they'd listened to the arguments. As those people die out, and because we naively think that some argument are settled once and for all, we stop presenting them and thus, people get sucked in by the bad stuff.
So I say let them say it, and let us argue back and never forget what we find from these arguments.