Comment by vhodges

Comment by vhodges 5 months ago

1 reply

So a marketplace kind of app? (if so, you now have to build two audiences!) Do they self host after the sale? (Friction for b2b side). Is it enterprise (eg high touch sales - leads to long sales cycles)? Pay per post?

At the end of the day, it comes down to marketing and sales. Marketing:

  - Craft the messaging around the pain point you're solving
  - word of mouth
  - advertising (there are different kinds, not just cpc/google adwords: guest posts, external content sites/blogs/channels in your market/demographic, etc)
  - organic search (content marketing - this takes time - AND you have to promote the channels you are publishing too)
  - cold calling
I follow a fee for service financial adviser on YT and they have content marketing down: 2 videos every week and a newsletter. These channels show they understand the needs of their potential customers, demonstrate domain expertise, etc