DamonHD 10 hours ago

At least it shows something sensible without explicitly enabling JavaScript, though I see stuff is being held back by NoScript.

There was some flickering / redrawing / relayout as if you did not have width and height (and/or maybe decoding=async) attributes on images above the fold at least. Possibly because you are pulling in everything via a script rather than just letting plain old static HTML and CSS do their thing.

7/10 at first glance.

(I suggest adding an "Ask HN:" prefix to your title here.)

  • jarodxu 10 hours ago

    Let me see what I can do to optimize it. Thanks for the heads-up, I’ve added the 'Ask HN' prefix.

tastroder 9 hours ago

In terms of landing page it certainly worked, got me to check out the linked demos until I hit the signup nudge. Some of them don't seem to be available in English which might be a negative depending on your target audience.

Loading those exposes the e-mail of the account used to create the application (in [0], data->userInfo->email) and those "blocks" downloads contain the entirety of the prompts / applications, which is nice I guess but surely those are only required on the serverside?

[0] https://docs.trickle.so/api/nge/public/tao/objects/-/associa...

  • jarodxu 9 hours ago

    I think I’ll start by removing the non-English demo links from the landing page, and later, when we have multilingual versions, we’ll link the corresponding demos.

    As for the second issue, We’ll remove unnecessary userInfo. Also, although these demos allow users to duplicate the internal blocks and prompts of the agents, we’ll implement some optimizations on the API next week to prevent unnecessary exposure.

    It’s great to have you take a look and provide this feedback!

jarodxu 10 hours ago

Hey HN,

We're not promoting anything, just looking for feedback to improve our landing page after a recent big update. We’ve shifted from being a screenshot tool to an AI agent creation platform (long story, happy to share more in the comments if you're curious!).

I’d really appreciate your thoughts on the clarity of the text, the UI/UX, the illustrations, and any other details. Most importantly, can you tell what the tool is for just by looking at the landing page?

If you're interested in exploring the tool itself, I’d love to hear your feedback on that too. All suggestions—positive or critical—are very welcome!

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

  • pvg 10 hours ago

    You're better off submitting a Show HN like outlined here https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html, you can describe your new thing/'long story', etc. 'Roast my thing' probably not a great HN discussion starter.

    • jarodxu 10 hours ago

      Thanks for the reminder! I actually posted a 'Show HN' a few days ago specifically introducing the product, but for some reason, it didn’t appear in the show list. Anyway, today I just wanted to focus on discussing the landing page. I’ve added the 'Ask HN' prefix—do you think that makes it better?

sfmz 9 hours ago

It doesn't feature any irritating popups which is refreshing. Does seem like a tiny-wrapper around an LLM... its not clear why I would use it instead of ChatGPT...?

  • jarodxu 8 hours ago

    Thanks for the feedback! It’s not just a wrapper around an LLM—Trickle lets users integrate different tools into a workflow, all through a document-like interface. You can build multi-step processes that can be reused or shared as apps. While ChatGPT acts more like an chat assistant, Trickle helps you create structured workflows, making it more powerful and flexible for personalized tasks. And best of all, it’s as simple as writing a document!

    • sfmz 7 hours ago

      Examples that "grab live data from Internet and do work" are appealing, I think you should lean into that a little harder.

      • jarodxu 7 hours ago

        I'm really happy you picked up on that feature! Combining different tools to get work done is exactly what we're aiming for.

        • sfmz 7 hours ago

          Its hard to pick up on that feature -- what do you think the font-size is inside of the image ? its not prominent enough -- maybe need magnifying glass graphic or something

  • jarodxu 8 hours ago

    To make a possibly imperfect analogy, Trickle is like a Jupyter notebook designed specifically for LLMs, but without the need to write any code.

[removed] 10 hours ago