Comment by uneoneuno

Comment by uneoneuno 2 months ago

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You have to be smart enough to know how to prompt and how to iterate on the LLM response. If you can't use the tool effectively, you're gonna get bad results.

I'm in my mid 30's, well into my professional career as an engineer.

I frequently use gpt to tune / tweak / see if I am missing anything in proposals and other documents I create. I'll give GPT a broad idea of what I'm writing and ask for bullet points, then review what it came up with and compare to what I've written. It almost always makes my output better - I find there's some customer disclaimer or other scope clarification that the gpt came up with that I incorporate into my document.

Asking GPT to make you something or "do your essay" wont work. You have to know enough about the thing you want out of it in order to be able to ask GPT for it.

So yes, the people who know things and know how to use a LLM are going to have more polished outputs. Most other people just plugging and chugging get junk or uninspired goop.