Comment by Arkhaine_kupo

Comment by Arkhaine_kupo 18 hours ago

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> Ireland's conflict has been going on in ebbs and flows since 1919

But the big difference in this conflict is that Ireland was colonised prior to 1919. They were always the underdog, and still are.

In 1880 when the first waves of refugees arrived, Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire, mostly Muslim and there was economic and ethnic mayority of arabs. And the first pogroms already happened then.

The original partiton the british proposed was, in part, because they considered the arab violence against the jewish population to be a big issue. There were other terrible reasons like the british who designed the plan was an antisemite and thought Israel would be enticing for european jews to leave. But the reality of the origins of the fight was that a bunch of refugees arrived, built their own insular communities and they got attacked to the point the UN decided them having their own country would be safer.

If Ireland became 1 country, even if they mistreated the british people in northern Ireland later you could hardly say they have always been the aggresor because we know thats not true. Somehow Israel story has been flipped where instead of the underdog, now becoming dominant, they are seen as always the one on top. Other historical inaccuracies like America's allyship with Israel is considered eternal when in reality it started in 1960s when Egypt tried to take over the Suez Canal. America only cares about free trade and boat routes. In 1947 they sided with the Arab league, due to access to oil, who said they would exterminate the jews in the UN floor and no one stopped them despite military analysis in Uk, france and USA agreeing they would win against Israel.