Comment by Dalewyn

Comment by Dalewyn 4 hours ago

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You will have to excuse me for effectively ignoring the rest of your comment since what I'm about to point out more than makes up for the things you pointed out.

>What benefit is "the sheer power to hose Windows with a single Powershell line" when it is not you whom executes it?

The benefit is the sheer power to hose Windows with a single Powershell line.

In case that doesn't make sense, let me put it this way: The benefit is the power to do whatever you want with Windows.

Windows essentially will not say no to what you ask of it, you have the freedom to do with your computer as you desire with Windows. With this power, this freedom, this virtue comes responsibility. You as the user must secure the system as desired from the ground up, you have the power to do so and the responsibility.

Computers are tools, Windows enabling your ability to use your computer as a tool is a virtue that is priceless especially in this day and age.

If you don't believe me, consider that Windows brought forth the era of personal computing to the commons and continues to enable them by nurturing an ecosystem that can cater to almost all users' desires that now spans literally decades.