Comment by littlestymaar

Comment by littlestymaar 4 hours ago

1 reply

You're conflating two different things:

- broad Twitter ban (which is the topic of TFA), which itself results from Twitter refusal to cooperate with Brazilian justice.

- prosecutions related to the attempted coup in Brasilia, which includes activities on Twitter (and obviously there isn't a single pro-lula in the list of people involved, like there's no Bidden supporters among the people charged for Jan 6th, and it's not a conspiracy against republicans …).

Big corporations aren't exempted from laws and they cannot unilaterally decide not to comply with Court's order, whatever you think about the order in the first place. And the reason why Musk doesn't comply with Brazilian justice isn't free speech, as he's eager to comply with authoritarian regimes all around the world, he's just doing that for political motives.

Reminder: you'll get censored on Twitter if you type the word “cisgender" and Musk supported Ron De Santis censoring books in libraries, and also canceled Tesla orders from people after they criticized him personally: Musk doesn't give a shit about freedom of speech, he just claim he does hopping enough idiots will buy it against all evidence.

matheusmoreira 3 hours ago

I'm not "conflating" anything. The "fake news" nonsense has been on-going since 2019. The persecution of the brazilian right has been on-going since the lead up to the 2022 elections at the very least, possibly earlier. The events that led to the order to ban X began in 2019 and accelerated in 2022. He's been ordering the banishment of political accounts since before the election. I know because I was commenting on the situation here on HN the whole time.

None of these things should have happened in the first place. Twitter should never have been banned because the judge should never have ordered the censorship of those accounts to begin with. There should have been no order for him to defy in the first place.

You may legally object to what Musk did based on the judge's authority. The point is I have zero moral objections to it. Illegal orders must not be obeyed. "Just following orders" has not been a valid excuse for anything since nazis were hanged at Nuremberg. And I do believe this judge's orders are illegal. He just gets away with it because there's nobody above him to put a stop to it.

I don't particularly care about Twitter or how hypocritical Musk is. No doubt he has plenty of self-serving reasons for defying the judge. The fact that a judge ordered him to censor political accounts over "misinformation" nonsense is what matters here. Musk can do whatever he wants on his platform, I don't care. Judges ordering censorship of politicians? I absolutely do care. Censorship is when the government shows up and deletes what you said. And censorship equals dictatorship, it's that simple. It's undeniable evidence that brazilians are living under a dictatorship.