Comment by ChiMan

Comment by ChiMan 8 hours ago

2 replies

Funny how they don’t mention the time your employer doesn’t get from you while you commute.

I returned to the office mid-Covid in part because, when remote, I was working too hard at home. At the office, I was able to waste time during the day shooting the breeze with the few other folks there, and closing my laptop for my drive home reduced the chance of it being open at 10 pm.

Whenever I hear executives go off about return to office, I know they’re probably lazy and don’t understand what makes their companies tick: self-driven work.

[removed] 3 hours ago
Terr_ 3 hours ago

> Funny how they don’t mention the time your employer doesn’t get from you while you commute.

Alternately, the time/fuel that an employer is making workers expend without compensating them for it.