Comment by tptacek

Comment by tptacek 2 hours ago

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Capitalism sounds dope, I hope I live to see it. But the idea that supply and demand in the Econ 101 formulation is anything to do with the lot of say a person renting a flat in 2024 is silly and borders on insulting.

It's really unclear to me why you think this is the case. The median cost of a house in the Chicagoland suburb I live in is north of $470k, and that's not because of technological disruption or cartel pricing, but rather because we've outlawed anything but single-family housing on lots, something we did deliberately back in 1923 and 1947 with the express purpose of preserving and increasing home values for people who lived there at the time and keeping Black families out.

"Markets" didn't "fail" or "get captured" and no hedge fund engineered this situation; people who lived here voted for this outcome.