Comment by mlyle

Comment by mlyle 5 hours ago

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The piece makes a very simple distinction.

Delivery is the property of a message showing up at a receiver, irrespective of the receiver making state changes.

Processing is making state changes.

You can't dedupe messages without some kind of state change. Your guards, writing down that a given message has been here before, have been delivered the message. An endpoint on a lossy medium has to cope with either (0 or 1) or (1 or many) messages.

Now, can the guards deliver it to you at most once? Well, if there's no lossy medium between, sure. But we already know that we can deliver exactly once when the medium is perfectly reliable. The guards have "processed" the message for this purpose, and the fact that they can deliver it to you over a perfectly reliable channel is moot.

The distinction is between the characteristics of the channel (delivery) versus what the receiver must do to achieve appropriate processing properties.

These might come from some combination of intrinsic idempotency, timers, persisting past messages to disks, establishing a message ordering, etc, etc, etc. These are the mechanisms that you need to cope with "one or many" delivery, and they all shape the state model of your system with respect to messages.