Comment by ashvardanian

Comment by ashvardanian 7 hours ago

8 replies

The gist:

> they’re shipping half-baked software just to hit some arbitrary deadlines.

Control Centre aside, Apple is my favorite example in founder-led vs manager-led company comparisons. The same company totally changed in less than 10 years. Profits multiplied. But practically everything that made Apple craftsmanship iconic is gone. Feels like their current domination is the echo of their older investment in software-hardware co-design and recent supply chain dominance, but not real innovation.

danirod 5 hours ago

Funny thing is that the arbitrary deadline maybe was real 5 years ago, but nowadays is a lie.

Every major macOS and iOS version in the last couple of years has had a feature that is "coming later this year". For this cycle it's Apple Intelligence, last year it was the Journal app, and the year before there also were a bunch of things that were delayed.

Why not just wait until they finish those features and use the extra time to actually test the OS? (Rhetorical question, the answer is probably 'investors').

dclowd9901 6 hours ago

Aren’t they dominating cpu architectures as well? Is there a better mobile cpu being made today?

DidYaWipe 6 hours ago

How about some examples?

interludead 3 hours ago

Apple’s profits might be up, but does the soul of their product design feel diluted?