Comment by codingdave

Comment by codingdave 8 hours ago

1 reply

This article is silly. Flexibility in your day is the reason remote workers are productive. Everyone has ups and downs in their day. When down, rather than staring unproductively at a screen in some cubicle somewhere, it is terrific to use those times to take care of something in your life. Whether it is moving some laundry or taking a nap... you get it done and you come back productive.

We are paid to get work done, not to burn specific hours in a chair.

bravetraveler 40 minutes ago

Funnily enough, however, businesses do get perks for how many asses are in chairs

They're often called 'Economic Development Incentives' or 'Urban Planning'. Think about this the next time someone tries to convince you the govt. doesn't pick winners or losers; that's kind of the job. I didn't say they do well.