Comment by matricaria

Comment by matricaria 6 hours ago

3 replies

I honestly think the person that is to blame here is you. Yes, there might be some weird decisions here, but if you get so mad about those minor changes, you should make at least some research before updating.

wongogue 6 hours ago

Updating is not a choice. The most you can hold off is 1 year. If your phone is eligible for the next iOS, you don’t get security updates. Many apps I use already require 17.0 as of today.

dclowd9901 6 hours ago

Would it be a viable alternative to never update? Asking genuinely.

bbor 6 hours ago

Meh — I see where you’re coming from, but this post is about Apple violating design principles, not a pity post about this particular person. We’re all to blame for everything in our lives on some very basic level, but it’s no excuse for the negligence of others.