Comment by stackghost

Comment by stackghost 5 hours ago

10 replies

Your proposed definition of "delivery" is absurd.

If you have duplicate things, then you've clearly been delivered more than one thing. There is no way to deliver something exactly once, and yet the receiver has more than one thing such that they can throw all but one thing away.

It's okay to admit you were mistaken.

lisper 5 hours ago

> If you have duplicate things, then you've clearly been delivered more than one thing.

Yes, that's true. But this doesn't turn on what "delivery" means, it turns on what "you" means. If "you" are downstream of a de-duplication mechanism, then "you" can get exactly once-delivery. Why is that so absurd?

  • stackghost 4 hours ago

    >Yes, that's true. But this doesn't turn on what "delivery" means, it turns on what "you" means. If "you" are downstream of a de-duplication mechanism, then "you" can get exactly once-delivery. Why is that so absurd?

    So in the case of, say, a network service on server A and a network client B, your solution to "exactly once delivery" is to re-define it as "deliver it from A to B multiple times and have B deduplicate"?

    Do you not see how nonsensical that is to call that "exactly once delivery"?

  • plorkyeran 3 hours ago

    If you have a reliable connection between “you” and the deduplicator, then “you” aren’t receiving messages over an unreliable connection at all and so the claim that you can’t have exactly once delivery over an unreliable connection isn’t applicable in the first place. You’re receiving messages over a reliable connection and what happens upstream of that is irrelevant.

  • srkiNZ 5 hours ago

    If "you" are "downstream" of a "de-duplication mechanism" how do you ensure "exactly once delivery" between "you" and the "de-duplication mechanism"?

    • lisper 5 hours ago

      The same way I ensure any behavior in a digital system. There are boundaries inside of which processes are presumed to be reliable, typically consisting of a CPU, memory busses, and attached non-volatile storage. If you don't assume that those are reliable, then you can't guarantee anything.

      • srkiNZ 4 hours ago

        Great! I agree 100%. We have to assume a "reliable network" within a "boundary" (i.e. a computers CPU, memory, busses etc...). Distributed systems (from which these rules are taken) are specifically systems where anything within one of these "boundaries" is considered a "single node" and treated the same, whether it's a NIC, a kernel module/driver, a user space process or anything else.

        In our case if we were to take (for example) that the NIC would de-duplicate the messages for us, anyone writing the producer/sender and a user-space program for the receiver a would need to know that the NIC was doing this (or risk having messages dropped for failure of including a unique id).

        This is a pedantic point, but I would strongly stress that the only reason these "delivery rules" are so popular (and evoke such a reaction) is because of the very large number of times that programmers mis-understand them.

        Commonly they either assume that:

        * the network is reliable

        * something else will guarantee "exactly once delivery" for me (when in fact nothing will)

  • computerfan494 5 hours ago

    You're correct, but in my experience the vast majority of code written is not downstream of a usable de-duplication mechanism.

    • lisper 5 hours ago

      That may well be, but that's a very different question.

      • computerfan494 4 hours ago

        It explains why most people seem to disagree with you on what "delivery" and "you" mean in this context. For the majority of contexts, "delivery" means that a system responsible for de-duplication receives the message.

        • lisper 4 hours ago

          Yeah, but that just seems like a bizarre definition on which to base the claim that you cannot have exactly-once delivery. Obviously, if you define delivery to preclude de-duplication, then you can't have exactly-once delivery. But you can have something that delivers messages (for some reasonable definition of "delivers") exactly once. It seems weird to define delivery in such a way that such a system does not provide exactly-once delivery.