Comment by Groxx

Comment by Groxx 5 hours ago

5 replies

Yea... this is kinda inflammatory but I honestly have to agree with it.

The post largely summarizes as "you can have exactly-once delivery if you re-define it to be at-least-once processing with idempotency".

Those are different things.

In fact, that's the entire point behind saying that it's impossible.

You can't design a system that is exactly-once at any level, so don't even bother trying. If someone wants you to guarantee something will happen, you can point to that impossibility to say "you need to retry, it's not optional, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you". That has happened to me multiple times in my career; it's a thing charlatans keep trying to sell to businesses, and businesses eat it up because it sounds so much magically simpler than what their engineers keep telling them needs to be done.

Because it is magic. It doesn't exist.

sam_lowry_ 3 hours ago

Gosh, only after this comment I understood why so many programmers litter the code with retries, even though they seem superfluous.

philipswood 5 hours ago

So if you build systems using messaging middleware you get to choose upfront whether you are going to use XA with exactly-once semantics and pay the performance penalty for that or whether you will implement your business logic idempotently on processing instead.

You can do this across a whole landscape of vendors.

So this whole class of "that's impossible" responses sounds to me (as an ex-brick layer) like "obviously you can't stack bricks next to each other perfectly straightly - so building walls is clearly impossible".

So it feels a bit jarring when several vendors allow you to do this impossible thing.

Google for JMS and exactly-once and you can find documentation with several products on exactly how to do this.

One example:

  • Groxx 5 hours ago

    >In this post we will show how [exactly once delivery] can be done, plus how simple it is with Atomikos. ...

    >The producer should do its processing and send its message as part of a JTA/XA transaction. This ensures a message is sent if and only if the transaction commits. Any failures will result in rollback of the JTA/XA transaction - and no message will be sent. This means that failures can be safely retried until they succeed, without sending the resulting message more than once.

    This is at-least-once (retries) with probably-idempotency: a transaction.

    As I said: charlatans.

    They're selling you "exactly once" in the headline, but clearly state that it is not exactly once in the legalese below. This is less "buyer beware" and more "blatantly false advertising", in exactly the same way as a free energy machine. The abstraction they're offering may indeed be useful, but "exactly once" is literally lying, and I wouldn't trust them to be honest elsewhere eit

EGreg 5 hours ago

This is sorta like the argument about CAP impossibility theorem while in practice consensus algorithms work 99.999% of the time. Or like Shannon’s information theory showing impossibility of compression, while many compression algorithms work well on actual data.

This seems to me the same. In practical applications, you can indeed have the at-least-once delivery with an idempotency / backpressure system, and work 99% of the time, and be unavailable 1% of the time.

  • Groxx 5 hours ago

    Yep, and for practical applications (i.e. stuff that exists in this universe) that is absolutely good enough. You just have to choose which tradeoffs you can stomach best. With a fancy enough system, those tradeoffs can be driven shockingly low.

    But if someone tries to sell you a database that is 100% available and has perfect consistency, you can laugh and walk away. They're a flat-earther trying to sell you a bridge: they're either trying to trick you or they have no idea what they're talking about. Either way you don't want to be involved with them.