Comment by HideousKojima

Comment by HideousKojima 5 hours ago

1 reply

That's something you can vetify yourself though. What if the government claimed that Polish soldiers attacked the German border, you claimed that it was actually German soldiers in Polish uniforms to give Germany a casus belli to invade, and a court censored your claim because they insist it's misinformation? How the hell is the average citizen going to determine what is misinformation or not there if any counterarguments or evidence are censored?

I have a hard time believing you're this naive about this. Either you really haven't thought through the repercussions, or you're in favor of it because it's being used against your political enemies (for now).

IntelMiner 5 hours ago

I'd counter that simply asserting that the Brazilian government is in the wrong over Elon Musk is a fools errand.

I'm far more concerned about disinformation peddled by oligarchs like Rupert Murdoch. But while we're citing history

This book is so old it's legally in the public domain. Perhaps give it a read