Comment by supportengineer

Comment by supportengineer 6 hours ago

2 replies

Over 20 years ago I worked with some specialized commercial software, Cyclone, that did guaranteed delivery of files. Guaranteed as in the legal sense. If the server sent back a ticket number to the sending client, it was a LEGAL assurance that the file was received, because there was a contract in place with financial penalties. The time stamps were particularly important in the legal contract. So, there are a lot of ways you can have exactly-once delivery, especially when talking about the application level of the 7 layer burrito model.

hinkley 5 hours ago

But you sometimes delivered the bytes twice, before getting the receipt, surely?

  • theamk 5 hours ago

    I am sure there were some duplicate packets on the wire - it's a normal part of most network protocols. The important thing is that as far as user was concerned, it was exactly-once.