Comment by jdminhbg

Comment by jdminhbg 4 hours ago

5 replies

> He's just enforcing the law in Brazil

It's really instructive to see how quickly people will abandon any pretense of liberal society when they have a personal animus against the ox currently being gored.

IntelMiner 4 hours ago

When the person named is spending their days making childish AI images of the judge behind bars, is it not reasonable to cite them directly?

  • jdminhbg 3 hours ago

    No, it's not reasonable to abandon the pretense of liberal society because someone made childish AI images.

    • IntelMiner 3 hours ago

      I mean if you need to set up a straw man that large I suppose it isn't

Veserv 4 hours ago

Exactly. Elon Musk said you have to be braindead [1] to prefer being banned in a country over honoring censorship requests by the government. But he immediately abandoned any pretense of that position due to his personal animus against the government of Brazil.
