Comment by slicktux

Comment by slicktux 2 hours ago

5 replies

Anyone else getting a prompt on Safari when visiting the page asking them; “Do you want to download “sync”?”

And the only option on prompt being Download… Anyone??

robinsonrc 2 hours ago

Not seeing it in Safari on iOS at least (although I may have missed it amongst the thousands upon thousands of adverts… I really should look into alternatives again)

  • slicktux 8 minutes ago

    I’m using iOS…I tried again visiting the site and I got the dialog prompt once again…

thelastparadise 2 hours ago

Why don't you download/run it and tell us what it is.

  • slicktux 7 minutes ago

    I would…but don’t have time right now to go down a rabbit hole…I need sleep. :)