Comment by atleastoptimal

Comment by atleastoptimal 2 hours ago

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Yeah if you're literally the person building the product you should at least get cofounder credit. It's silly that one person pitches a company and touts all the cool things about the product, but the product doesn't exist, it's all to entice some intelligent but naïve bright eyed engineering grad that they're getting a good deal.

I worked as a founding engineer and the CEO kept saying that I'm basically set for life because he was certain the company would become a ~$10 Billion unicorn. Of course then I thought "Why would he say this if he weren't very certain it would happen", but that bravado optimism I realized was just par for course among founders, and only 1% make it. Your chance of becoming wealthy in 10 years in aggregate are much higher just working for a normal tech company and investing your disposable income.