asadotzler an hour ago

SpaceX has physical infrastructure in Brazil worth millions. They can start there, just confiscate the Starlink ground stations.

davidsojevic 5 hours ago

According to the article, they've previously collected by just withdrawing money directly from X's and/or Starlink's local accounts:

> Brazil previously withdrew money for fines it levied against X from the accounts of X and Starlink at financial institutions in the country.

  • vesrah 5 hours ago

    I saw that, but I was curious once X decides to pull the money from the accounts (assuming they can, which I guess is a big assumption at this point).

    • adrr 5 hours ago

      Starlink is still active in Brazil.

    • mgiampapa 5 hours ago

      If the fines don't get paid those Space X ground stations can possibly go away too.