Comment by jraines

Comment by jraines 3 hours ago

2 replies

Interesting read. Her proposal for a “bounce” cosmology sounds like it has a neat explanation for why things appear smooth, but as far as why/how the universe should bounce at all (especially given current consensus that the current universe will NOT bounce) are only briefly gestured at (“promising recent work”, to paraphrase).

Has that work developed and found traction among physicists in the 7 years since the article?

neom 3 hours ago

This was on the front page a couple weeks back iirc:

  • jraines 3 hours ago

    Interesting! It would be nice to solve dark matter & excise inflation in one stroke (or a few strokes). My lay understanding of PBHs—as-dark-matter is that it has been whittled down to a pretty tight range of their masses, though, bounded by “they would’ve already evaporated” and “we’d already have detected them”