Comment by DoreenMichele

Comment by DoreenMichele 8 hours ago

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I didn't assume it was some kind of rebuttal of my comment. I'm generally looking for genuine, meaty discussion.

The pandemic impacted the entire globe and a lot of internet comments were driven by fear, not genuine curiosity or interest in problem solving.

While I understand why that is, it doesn't go good places.

I am perfectly happy to accept your assertion that context suggests this is basically a politically motivated piece trying to dismiss claims that it originated in a lab.

I wrote a piece elsewhere that boils down to "Christmas travel brought us the global pandemic." Regardless of where the issue originated, it spread globally and didn't remain a local crisis thanks to global travel and how that gets handled.

I don't have answers but I don't like the way the whole thing was handled and it's nigh impossible to have meaningful discussion of that with anyone anywhere on the Internet.

And given the lack of quality discussion, it's impossible to develop a good framework for how to even see the problem space.

My marriage was a case of opposites attract and we were once shopping for a bookcase and I hated the bookcase he wanted and he hated the bookcase I wanted. So I finally had the sense to ask why he liked it.

I wanted something pretty. He wanted something sturdy that wouldn't collapse under the weight of the books.

Armed with this information, it was possible to find a bookcase we both liked.

Decades later, most internet discussion seems to still be stuck in that space before I asked that question where we both thought the other person was clearly an idiot. Only I don't know how to get past it online.