Comment by bigiain

Comment by bigiain 3 hours ago

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Yeah, the Flipper Zero has a "sub 1GHz" transceiver, from memory its a CC1101?

It can receive and transmit from about 300MHz to 930MHz (with a few gaps in between).

I've used my Flipper to sniff the signals for my wireless controlled projector screen, projector, and home theatre amp. I then used the data I sniffed to program an ESP32 with a CC1101 module attached, so I can roll down the screen and turn on the project and amp via wifi (with Homebridge and iOS Home app).

I later sniffed my garage door opener, added that into the ESP32/CC1101 gadget. I needed to add a better antenna to make sure it reliably had range to get to the garage door, but it now works more reliably than the keychain fob, and I can use an "arrived home" automation to have the door open without me needing to stop the motorcycle and take off my gloves and get the key fob out of my pocket. I may replace this with an Arduino/CC1101 triggered by the hi beam switch.

The Flipper Zero is a super useful tool when having ideas like this, but like most tools, it really does sit in the drawer most of the time. But I'm glad it's there, I don't regret a cent of it's purchase price.