Comment by hgs3

Comment by hgs3 3 hours ago

1 reply

> Khronos already mentioned in a couple of conferences that there will be no further work improving GLSL

Unfortunately, HLSL isn’t an open standard like GLSL. Is it Khronos's intention to focus solely on SPIR-V moving forward, leaving the choice of higher-level shader languages up to application developers?

ferbivore 2 hours ago

There's likely to be very little funding for GLSL moving forward, and I would expect no major spec updates ever again, but vendors will probably keep publishing extensions for new GPU features and fixing things up. GLSL still has a fairly large user base. Whether SPIR-V is going to be the only Khronos shading language (or whatever you want to call it) moving forward, that's hard to say. Nvidia is pushing for Slang as a Khronos standard at the moment. Not sure if anyone's biting.